Phoenix Feather Quest

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Phoenix Feather Quest

Post by syntax »

Update 4/9/2016 by Syntax:
The Eggs are from the Ant Queen (Gnome village group)
The Quartz is from Leo the Quick (darkwood forest group)
The Roots are a few rooms north from the Black Orc Boss (dragon's teeth hills group) -- need a rusty iron key from the orc warleader
Acid Glands are from the White Jelly (sewers group)

From MMB:
  1. Locate the Old Man in the Asylum. Greet and speak with the old man.
  2. Exit the game, come back into the game. Go South, then West. You'll be outside of the Asylum now.
  3. Go to the Thieve's Guild. Purchase a Skeleton Key.
  4. Kill the Dread Mystic. You will get a Yellow Note.
  5. Kill the Flesh Golem. You will get a key to open the door there.
  6. Go into the Library and read the scroll (or parchment).
  7. Kill the Smuggler Boss. You will get a Smuged Paper.
  8. Go to Orfeo and ask him about Morukai.
  9. Greet Morukai and ask him about Orfeo.
  10. Ask him about the stuff that is highlighted.
  11. Find the four components.

    Eggs: Located below the Tilled Fields in the Gnome Village.

    Quartz: Located in the Bandit Keep near Aldreth's Tree. At the door, search North for a secret passage. Go Tree and you'll be inside the keep.

    Roots: Located past the Jagged Hills in the Dragonteeth Hills. The Jagged Hills are on the northern side of the Dragonteeth Hills between Silvermere and Passage to the Silver River.

    Acid Glands: Located below the Mad Wizard. Kill the White Jelly for it.
  12. Go to the Gnome Alchemist and ask him about Potion. Take 1 plat with you for purchase.
  13. Go to the Gnome Inventor and ask him about FORKS.
  14. Go back to Morukai and ask him about components. Ask him about Return.
  15. Locate the Haunting Spirit.
  16. Type DESTROY BARRIER to use the Magical Rod of Quartz to open up the passage.
  17. Find the Necromancer beyond the Shimmering Barrier and kill him for the Phoenix Egg.
  18. Return to Morukai and ask him about INFORMATION.
  19. Go to the Lava Fields and locate the door to the North. Use the Basalt Key to open the door. Once inside, type HURL EGG.
You have now completed the Module-5 Quest, received 100k experience and a Phoenix Feather that gives 1/0.0AC and is usable by ALL CLASSES.

From MudVille:
  1. Talk to man in asylum
  2. Kill Dread Mystic, and read the yellowed note that falls out of his tunic.
  3. Kill the Flesh Golem Read the coolies story.
  4. Find the smugglers lair
  5. Kill smuggler boss
  6. Read the crumpled paper from the smuggler's hand
  7. Go to the gnome alchemist for a levitation potion
  8. Grab a fork from the gnome inventor
  9. Go above the waterfall
  10. Explore catacombs.. and find the haunting spirit.
  11. Go to Orfeo, and ask him about Morukai
  12. Head into the darkwood grove (sw corner) and go into the portal
  13. Find the spiral staircase.. then you have to find Morukai.
  14. Talk to Morukai
  15. Kill the white jelly and quickly pluck an acid gland from it.
  16. Get the roots Morukai was talking about..
  17. Kill the queen ant and gather some unfertilized eggs from the ant queen.
  18. Kill Leo the Quick
  19. Return to Morukai with the 4 components..
  20. Back to the barrier! (The room in the catacombs with the haunting spirit)
  21. Follow the passage round till you get to the necromancer, and kill it!
  22. Back to Morukai where you ask him about his 'information'
  23. To the lavas to hurl this egg into the Fire Lake

Asylum and Shadow Fist Temple are in Rhudar. The Asylum is a warped area, and you will find the old man in a padded cell with a north exit. Smugglers area is near the Docks in Silvermere, Ant area is in the Tilled Fields in the Gnome area in Mod4, Slime area is below Mad Wizard, The Haunting Spirit and Necromancer are above the Mossy Cave waterfall, Morukai is in the southern portion of elder grove (Shadow Guards are hard), The Cave Roots are in the black orc boss area in North East Dragons Teeth Hills, and the Fire Lake is in the northern lava fields.

From MudCentral:
  1. Go to Rhudaur and locate the Asylum.
  2. Enter a portal in the Asylum. It is a warped area. Going one way does not mean you will come back the same way.
  3. Locate the Old Man. Ask him everything that is Highlighted. Ask the Old Man about Prophecy. (It isn't highlighted, but if you don't do that, then you can't start the quest... I think that is a bug in the game.)
  4. Exit the game, come back into the game. Go South, then West. You'll be outside of the Asylum now. (This works just like in the Mirrored Hallway.)
  5. Go to the Thieve's Guild. Purchase a Skeleton Key.
  6. Go to the Dump and GO MANHOLE. You're now in the Sewers.
  7. Located the Dread Mystic. Kill him. You will get a Yellow Note.
  8. Locate the Flesh Golem. Kill him. You will get a key to open the door there.
  9. Go into the Library and read the scroll (or parchment).
  10. Go to the Silvermere Docks. West a couple rooms. Search for a down exit.
  11. Locate the Smuggler Boss (beware the trap near the entrance). Kill him. You will get a Smuged Paper.
  12. Go to Orfeo and ask him about Morukai.
  13. Go to the Darkwood Grove and locate the Twisted Tree. Go Portal there and you'll be in the Caves of Chaos. Locate the Up in there (this place is a bunch of warps like the Vortex). You will need to circle around to the top of the Staircase. (quick method: From the Down, go clockwise 4 times, then east, west, east, west, east).
  14. Go South through a door that is not there. (similar to the Fallen Angel)
  15. Turn Statue.
  16. Go North, West, then Counter-Clockwise until you see a new exit to the South.
  17. Go Up (x8) then north, west. Greet Morukai and ask him about Orfeo.
  18. Ask him about the stuff that is highlighted.
  19. Find the four components.
    Eggs: Located below the Tilled Fields in the Gnome Village.
    Quartz: Located in the Bandit Keep near Aldreth's Tree. At the door, search North for a secret passage. Go Tree and you'll be inside the keep.
    Roots: Located past the Jagged Hills in the Dragonteeth Hills. The Jagged Hills are on the northern side of the Dragonteeth Hills between Silvermere and Passage to the Silver River.
    Acid Glands: Located below the Mad Wizard. Kill the White Jelly for it.
  20. Go back to Morukai and ask him about components. Ask him about Return.
  21. Go to the Gnome Alchemist and ask him about Potion. Take 1 plat with you for purchase.
  22. Go to the Gnome Inventor and ask him about FORKS.
  23. Go to the Mossy Cave entrance on the Silver River.
  24. Use the potion of levitation there.
  25. Go to the room with rubble and MOVE RUBBLE.
  26. You will need to AIM FORK to destroy walls here in order to locate the Haunting Spirit.
  27. Type DESTROY BARRIER to use the Magical Rod of Quartz to open up the passage.
  28. Find the Necromancer beyond the Shimmering Barrier and kill him for the Phoenix Egg.
  29. Return to Morukai and ask him about INFORMATION.
  30. Go to the Lava Fields and locate the door to the North. Use the Basalt Key to open the door. Once inside, type HURL EGG.
You have now completed the Module-5 Quest, received 100k experience and a Phoenix Feather that gives 1/0.0AC and is usable by ALL CLASSES. (Yes, that means that even YOU, a Witchunter, can use this fabulous neck armour!)

Leo the Quick, Ant Queen, and Smuggler Boss all have 3 hour regen times.

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Re: Phoenix Feather Quest

Post by Redhawk »

Note there is an approximate 10 minute delay between asking Morukai 'components' and asking 'return'. You can just sit in his room and wait. Asking 'return' and getting the proper response is critical to triggering the proper response from the killing of the Necromancer. Too many times people take his lackluster response to 'return' as the flag.. not waiting out the timer. They then go kill the Necro and get no egg, forcing them to wait again for his re-spawn.

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Re: Phoenix Feather Quest

Post by Than0s »

I am not certain about vanilla Mud, but just wanted to say on Greatermud to get past the library you need to "look parchment"

In NMR it looks like it is read from the read Old Parchment (a hidden item in the room)

But can someone who might know this stuff a little better than I confirm if vanilla Majormud was read, and this isn't just a typo that has been carried over?

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Re: Phoenix Feather Quest

Post by Dertyce »

The correct term to use us "peruse parchment". "read parchment" also works, unless you are a gang leader with a house deed, in which case you instead read your gang house deed. I believe, however, that this step is unnecessary, as it doesn't actually trigger any quest flags.

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Re: Phoenix Feather Quest

Post by Necrosaro420 »

So do you actually need to do all of this, or just do the ones that gives you a flag?

Empty - 'ask old man phoenix'. (old man)
133(1) - Kill dread mystic.
133(2) - Kill smuggler boss.
133(3) - 'ask Orfeo Talespinner morukai'. (Orfeo Talespinner)
133(4) - 'ask Morukai orfeo'. (Morukai)
133(5) - 'ask Morukai components', items 966 ('acid gland'), 972 ('unfertilized eggs'), 994 ('double-terminated quartz'), and 995 ('cave roots') taken. (Morukai)
133(6) - 'ask Morukai return'. (Morukai)
133(7) - 'ask Morukai information', requires item 998 ('golden egg'). (Morukai)
133(8) - 'hurl egg' in room 'Lake of Fire', item 998 ('golden egg') taken (gain 750,000 experience, given item 1000 ('phoenix feather')).
133(9) - Phoenix Feather Quest Completed

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